There are a lot of factors that might drive someone to seek out laser tattoo removal. The major reason, though? Typically, that individual has decided their body art no longer reflects who they are. The fact is, people change – their relationships end, their careers evolve, their interests switch – and so often a tatt they got at a particular time in life may prove to be irrelevant later in life. In some cases, these etchings are even painful to look at because they remind the person of a part of their past they'd rather not dwell on.
Permanent ink for a not-so-permanent job
Jill Abramson is just one person whose tattoo is taking on a new meaning. When news broke that the former Executive Editor of The New York Times had been pushed out of her position, a lot of theories began to circulate about why the company let her go. Politix noted that Abramson had been with the publication since 1997, steadily rising in power from a mere reporter until she eventually reached the highest position in the newsroom in 2011.
While certainly many are wondering what could have possibly caused The New York Times to cut ties with its first female top editor, another major question on peoples' minds is what she's going to do about her body art. Abramson has not one, but four tatts – including a Crimson "H" for Harvard University, a Manhattan subway token and a "T" in the same font as The New York Times' headline. Considering the fact that she didn't leave on her own accord, sources are saying it's likely she's experiencing some serious tattoo regret about the iconic "T" etching. In an interview with Catie Lazarus for her Employee of the Month podcast, she discussed her incomplete ink collection.
"I think eventually, when I finish doing them, [they] will tell the story of me, of where I lived, and what things have been important to me," she told Lazarus, as quoted by Politix. "I have two then on my back that are the two institutions that I revere, that have shaped me."
Troubles beyond the tatt
The details are still cloudy on why she was forced out her job so abruptly. Bloomberg Businessweek reported that while The New York Times' publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr.'s explanation for the decision was very vague, there have been prior indicators of possible problems in the newsroom. For example, the source noted that New York magazine published a feature piece last summer about a power struggle between Abramson and Mark Thompson, who became CEO of The New York Times in 2012. Additionally, Politico printed an article called "Turbulence at The Times" detailing Abramson's strained relationship with managing editor Dean Baquet, who incidentally, is stepping in to replace her. According to Bloomberg, one altercation between the two ended in Baquet punching a wall.
So where will Abramson go now? Will she stay in the editorial realm? How will The New York Times be affected by her departure? Moreover, what will she do about that "T" tatt now that she has been forced out of the news outlet? The International Business Times suggested that she might emblazon a correction underneath it or black it out. The only way to get a truly clean slate, though, is to eliminate the enormous tatt completely.
Do you want to erase your tattoo? You are not alone; 20% of inked-individuals regret their tattoo*. Now permanent ink can be a thing of the past. PicoSure® is the latest breakthrough technology in laser tattoo removal providing faster results in fewer treatments. Visit to learn more and find a PicoSure Practitioner near you.
* Source: Harris Interactive, 2013