What makes PicoSure superior to other treatment options available?
Personal experience says it best.
PicoSure Helps Remove Acne Scars
Let PicoSure help you remove unwanted acne scars and regain your self confidence.
Unwanted Pigmentation & Skin Revitalization
PicoSure skin revitalization helps remove unwanted pigment and age lines for a more youthful appearance.
Reducing Pigment With PicoSure Skin Revitalization
PicoSure’s fast and convenient skin revitalization treatments reduce unwanted pigment and can help give you healthy, beautiful skin.
The PicoSure Laser
Dr. Kathleen L. Behr describes what makes the PicoSure laser unique.
Why PicoSure? With Dr. Kathleen L. Behr
Dr Kathleen L. Behr discusses how PicoSure with Focus lens technology produce great results without the inconvenience and disruption of redness and downtime.
Talking to Patients About PicoSure
Theresa, from the dermatology office of Dr. Kathleen L. Behr in Fresno, CA discusses how PicoSure helps her treat patients for pigmentation and increase their collagen and elastin without the pain redness and inconvenience of other laser procedures.
Why Picosure? With Dr. Sheila Nazarian
Dr. Sheila Nazarian, of Nazarian Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA, discusses how PicoSure helps her make new groups of patients look and feel better without the discomfort and inconvenience of traditional laser treatments.
Age Spots and Wrinkles
I would definitely recommend getting treatment with the Pico laser. It’s fantasic! Quick and Easy!
PicoSure tattoo removal:
How it changed my life
The tattoo mainly shows when I am in a bathing suit and I am really happy that for the first time I can go on a vacation and not have this tattoo staring at me!
PicoSure tattoo removal:
Why it was so easy
I would definitely recommend getting treatment with the Pico laser. It’s fantasic! Quick and Easy!
PicoSure Skin Revitalization:
My new favorite treatment
The treatment I had before, a fractional laster treatment was very painful…I heard the PicoSure wasn’t painful.