If you have tattoos on your wrists, an Apple Watch may be a bust. Apple recently revealed that ink may interfere with the way the product is supposed to work.
"Patterns and saturation from body art may skew the heart rate sensor."
According to Apple, the watch is able to track your heart rate using photoplethysmography, which is a technology based on the color of blood. Blood reflects green light and absorbs red – precisely why Apple decided to use green LED lights to detect bloodflow to the wrist.
As stated by Apple, the ink, patterns and saturation from body art may skew the heart rate sensor because they can block it. Still, that doesn't mean you have to toss your brand new watch into the trash, nor does it mean you need laser tattoo removal.
You can simply connect your Apple Watch to other heart rate monitors like Bluetooth chest straps. Of course, you can also take a page out of Conan O'Brien's spoof video that he showed to viewers shortly after Apple announced that tattoos might hinder its product.
The two minute and forty-four second reel promotes a funny made-up product that mirrors the Apple Watch – the apple arm. Throughout the segment, the arm facilitates a wide array of problems. It's used to stroke a crying baby, propose to a woman, high-five a colleague and even get more toilet paper from the roll. The video explains that you can have all of the tattoos you want with this product.

Visit Apple's website if you have tattoos and want to learn more about the watch. The video shown on Conan O'Brien can be seen on various news websites and on YouTube.
Over 45 million US adults* are living with tattoos, but now permanent ink can be a thing of the past. PicoSure® is the world's latest breakthrough technology in laser tattoo removal providing faster results in fewer treatments. Visit www.picosurear.wpengine.com to learn more and find a PicoSure Practitioner near you. * Source: Harris Interactive, 2012