Saying "I Do" is meant to be 'Til Death Do Us Part. Committing to your partner for the rest of your life requires dedication, and so does committing to a tattoo for the same amount of time. It only makes sense that the two would collide eventually. Marriage and tattooing may seem to make strange bedfellows, but recent years have seen an explosion of couples marking their permanent union with a permanent body modification. 

Celebrity trendsetters
As with most things chic and fashionable, the charge in matrimonial tattoos is being led by celebrity evangelists who are blazing the trail with some high profile ink. Everyone from Kathy Griffin to musicians Ciara and Future have inscribed their matrimonial devotion onto their skin. 

Sadly – and somewhat embarrassingly – the flames of love burn out quickly in Hollywood, and even the most well-intentioned couples find themselves in awkward splits more often than not. While the sentiment is certainly touching, celebrity wedding tattoo headlines very quickly turn into tattoo regret headlines in the tabloids.

Creative and quirky
Celebrities certainly don't have a monopoly on devotional ink. Sites such as Pinterest and BuzzFeed are awash with photo galleries displaying all manner of wedding band tattoos. From hearts and initials to shared private jokes and meaningful symbols, the trend of wedding band tattoos is overtaking the up and coming generation of newlyweds. 

Primarily the province of younger couples, the idea to ink wedding bands onto their fingers may not age as well as you'd like. Even in the instances where the unions are as permanent as they were intended to be, age, sun, and wear and tear can leave small finger-sized tattoos looking worn and faded – far from the lasting tribute to your love you had in mind. Also, while you may think your idea is a perfect one, prospective employers, clients and professionals may not share in your sense of quirk.

PicoSure® is the latest technology for laser tattoo removal and offers faster and better removal in fewer treatments. PicoSure shatters ink into smaller, dust-like particles which are more efficiently absorbed by the body's natural processes. It is the first and only aesthetic picosecond laser that is FDA-cleared for the removal of tattoos. Visit to learn more and find a PicoSure Practitioner near you.