There are plenty of reasons why someone might decide to undergo laser tattoo removal. However, one of the most common causes of tattoo regret is a breakup, as having an ex-lover's name in permanent ink on your skin can make it more difficult to move on. This may prove to be a major problem, particularly when someone is ready to embark on a new relationship. Not only are these ex-inspired tatts a painful reminder of failed romance, but they can also make a new significant other feel uncomfortable. In order to truly get a fresh start, it's best to give your skin a blank slate.

New spouse, new beginning
As a Valentine's Day gift to her new husband, one woman finally decided it was time to eliminate the ink dedicated to her former spouse. According to CBC News, Tamara Lowe had been sporting an old tattoo in honor of her ex-husband for seven years. She opted to get a lower back etching that reads "Rob" after he got her name emblazoned on his skin. Even though years have gone by and she has remarried, her previous marriage was haunting her via her old ink. So when did she ultimately realize it was time to get rid of the design? Lowe admitted to CBC that while giving birth to her first child with her new husband, she caught a glimpse of the tatt – and so did her mother-in-law. As a result of getting the etching removed, she explained that she won't have to be embarrassed to wear a bathing suit in front of her in-laws.

The owner of a local skincare clinic, Roberta Segar, told the news source that she sees many people come in to eliminate the name of a previous lover.

"Relationships change and some tattoos last forever – some relationships don't last forever!" she told the news outlet. "So you know, why should your tattoo?"

Stars start fresh
Lowe is not the only one who has faced this predicament. In fact, many celebrities have been forced to weigh their tattoo removal options after getting a divorce. While they may have been able to deal with the ink despite a breakup, a remarriage certainly provides enough of a reason to diminish these designs. For example, Halle Berry had a tribute tatt to her ex-husband Dave Justice on her behind. After her divorce from the outfielder in 1996, she had the inking re-worked into a sunflower. It was a smart move, too, because Berry is now married to Olivier Martinez. Mel B got Eddie Murphy's name tattooed on her hip just three days after meeting him. It was a risky move – and between their split and her marriage to Stephen Belafonte, she opted to remove the impulsive ink. After her relationship got serious with Brad Pitt, Angelina managed to transform her tatt of ex-husband Billy Bob Thornton's name into the coordinates of her children's birth places.

Do you want to erase your tattoo? You are not alone; 20% of inked-individuals regret their tattoo*. Now permanent ink can be a thing of the past. PicoSure® is the latest breakthrough technology in laser tattoo removal providing faster results in fewer treatments. Visit to learn more and find a PicoSure Practitioner near you.

* Source: Harris Interactive, 2013