While not necessarily a universal truth, tattooing tends to attract a younger crowd in general. What many of those would-be tattoo gurus may not realize is that come middle age and later adulthood, their perceived personal attachment to that butterfly or Kanji symbol may have degraded, and what they're left with is closer to impediment than improvement. The question then is what is it that is guiding these people into the tattoo chair in the first place? And what is it that's causing all the tattoo regret later on?
The hidden motivations of tattoos
A recent poll highlighted by Medical Daily indicated that the majority of U.S. adults with tattoos are older than you might think, between the ages of 30 and 39. In fact, the 18 to 24 crowd comprised the second smallest subset of tattooed adults, making up only 22 percent, leading only the over-50 crowd in tattoos. The reasons these people went under the needle may shock you with their mundanity. One-third of tattooed adults indicated they got inked in order to feel sexy, while 25 percent admitted that getting their tattoo was an act of rebellion. While many adults do get tattoos to commemorate family members or important dates, data indicates that many tattoos are still motivated by whim and caprice, which may not translate well in later years.
Dealing with tattoo regret
Those who take a seat in the tattooist's chair in their youth may not be prepared to deal with the tattoo regret that may follow them into their later years, but there is a subset of professionals who are. CNN reported on data from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery that showed that from 2011 to 2012, the number of adults seeking treatment for tattoo removal jumped by a very telling 43 percent.
Tattoo fads like lower back butterflies or ex-partners' names are a huge source of this feeling of remorse, but are far from the only reason people want to ditch their ink. Professional limitations or even a simple change in taste can leave you feeling iffy about your body art. According to Medical Daily, women tended to express this remorse more significantly, accounting for almost 73 percent of tattoo removal procedures.
PicoSure® is the latest technology for laser tattoo removal and offers faster and better removal in fewer treatments. PicoSure shatters ink into smaller, dust-like particles which are more efficiently absorbed by the body's natural processes. It is the first and only aesthetic picosecond laser that is FDA-cleared for the removal of tattoos. Visit www.picosurear.wpengine.com to learn more and find a PicoSure Practitioner near you.