
How Does PicoSure Work?

From acne scars to tattoo removal, PicoSure has become a go-to treatment for a multitude of skin issues. Both quick and non-surgical, PicoSure is a laser skin treatment that targets problem areas with short pulses. The laser is a non-invasive and gentle way to enjoy a revitalized you.

PicoSure uses fall into two main categories. The first is for a multitude of skin treatments. Brown spots, sun damage, freckles, acne scars, and wrinkles are all capable of being treated by the PicoSure laser.



At-Home Skincare for Glowing Skin

Glowing skin doesn’t have to be hard to get. Often, it’s simple measures that can give you the best skin. Rather than relying only on cleansers and products for clear skin, take action in other aspects of your life for a flawless face.

When at-home remedies and over-the-counter purchases don’t do the trick, PicoSure is a solution. With its non-invasive treatment, it revitalizes skin, leaving patients with a brighter, fresher face.



Doctor Testimonial: Dr. Nazarian | The Business of PicoSure®


IN THE NEWS | As Seen In!

Is the picosecond laser a game changer for treating acne scars? Allure talks to Dr. Robert Anolik to find out.



IN THE KNOW | A Real Look at the Pico Laser

Kyle Richards of Real Housewives of Beverly Hillsfame turned to Instagram to document her treatment with Dr. Nazarian. See the Focus™ laser attachment in action.
